Astro Veilleur


About Veilleur

"Veilleur" is a french word that means "watchman." In that sense, this website is dedicated to those astrology watchers--the "veilleurs de nuit"-- who are hard at work searching for meaning in the cosmos.

My name is Hayley and I am an amateur astrologer residing in Indianapolis.  I'm a psychology student and a hipster, so I've got both the experience and the for investigating heretical pseudosciences.  I started looking into astrology 3 years ago, assuming I was just going through a phase. I guess it's just a really long phase.

FYI, if you are a fundamentalist _________, you should probably not be here. If you are pregnant, you should probably not be here. No offense. Just not into it.
Also, Astro Veilleur is not really a cult. Sorry.

Alright. Some facts about me.
  1. I'm a Sagittarius with Sadge Rising.
  2. I also have the Moon in Aries, and altogether 5 planets in fire signs. Fuck.
  3. I have a bunch of 12th house/Neptune shit going on, which gives me a glamour that you cannot fight.
  4. I deal with the equal house system, because I like it.
  5. I also like lox bagels.
  6. My friends are all Aquarius and Scorpios.
  7. My favorite topics are the Moon, Chiron, and Lilith.
  8. Also, I was in Colorguard in high school.

Basically, I'm going to explore some astrological ideas here.  You can do it with me if you like.
Email me your chart at [email protected]; I'm always curious.